Ever since Jo Hyun-Jae's souvenirs went on sale last year, starting with the photo album "Memories" at the Japan Fan Meetings, there has been a phenomenal demand for them in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan.)
When the 2009 wall and desk calendars were announced in late 2008, orders started flooding into JoHyunJaeChina which was (happily) overwhelmed. Many fans who never surfaced before suddenly came out into the open.
When the CD was released in early 2009, the ordering mania reached fever pitch. JoHyunJaeChina had to refill its bulk orders three times. Every fan wanted a piece of JHJ -- be it the photo album, wall or desk calendars, CD, or JHJChina's own JHJ notebook/calendar, and, more often than not, all of the above. And some even bought multiple copies.
These JHJ souvenirs, though reasonably priced (all very high quality), are not cheap by Chinese standards. Either all these women (and there are a few young men) have collectively gone out of their minds or they all want to support their idol in the most practical way.
Jo Hyun-Jae is lucky to have fans like these and we are of course lucky to have JHJ. A certain kind of actor inspires a certain kind of fans. "There are two ways of spreading light -- to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
This candle has many mirrors -- I am glad to be one of them. And I am happy to have all the JHJ souvenirs -- all collector's items.
ReplyDeletei am drooling at that sexy photo of him lying down on his stomach. and OMG, the sleepy, sexy eyes, i could wake up to that everyday for the rest of my life.... his eyes, they really get to me always....