Sunday 1 March 2009

I like you just the way you are

In these lonely months when Hyun-Jae is away, we can only entertain ourselves. So here we would like to ask you all -- WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT JO HYUN-JAE? Please write in and tell us. English, Chinese, whatever -- we can get your comments translated.

To start the ball rolling, here is yours truly's contribution. Just a doggeral, all for fun.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
(Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
I love the way you look
Even the way you smoke
(But please quit smoking)
I love the smile on your face
The way you handle pressure with grace
I love those big beautiful eyes
Those cute lips that never lie
I love the low-key way you talk
The measured way you walk
Going through life one step at a time
Follow you heart and all will be fine
It's been fun being your fan
Look forward with hope, yes, you can!

Now it's your turn.

MV "More than words can say" courtesy of Mizutamari.


  1. I like everything about Jo Hyun Jae, but I especially like the good son Jo Hyun Jae. From all accounts I've read, Jo Hyun Jae is very dutiful and filial to his parents. This is very rare in today's world. He is a role model for our young people.

  2. No words can really express my feeling towards him. In my eyes, he's marvellous! Never had I seen such a wonderful person like him! He's my dream lover!

  3. There are many reasons why JHJ is so adorable:
    1. His big beautiful clear brown eyes (+ the way he talks with his eyes)
    2. His irresistible charisma
    3. His noble manner
    4. His shyness
    5. His subtle acting
    6. His dedication to his work etc. etc.

    However, at the end of the day, one does not need any reasons at all to love another one, right?

  4. Recently someone asks me what it is about JHJ that I like. My answer: "I like him outside in and inside out."

  5. I like Jo Hyun Jae just the way he is - not one bit more, not one bit less - he's perfect!

  6. A weathered heart can only be moved by a truly innocent soul, and the most sincere care and love coming from the bottom of one's heart. Most of time I can only fine those in very young children. Surprisingly, I found all those in a grown up man. I love him for that. He reminded me the beauty of live.

  7. experts say that humans are very visual. we are attracted first by what we see. and that is what attracted me first to JHJ - his looks. but there are a lot of handsome actors out there, actors more handsome than our HJ. what set our HJ apart from the herd of good-looking actors is his quiet charisma. he doesn't have talk a lot or toot his own horn for people to notice him. even if he's standing (or sitting) in a crowd of people, you instantly notice him. there seems to be an aura of peace that surrounds him. when i look at his photos i am reminded of good days, happy days, days filled with positive promise. he just radiates positive energy, something that people need to enervate their humdrum lives.....
