Saturday, 11 April 2009

Win JHJ's CD! >>>. 회원가입(join) click>>>Foreigner

Do you want to win the Jo Hyun-Jae CD? Now is your chance.

A Korean music website soribada is holding a competition. Just click on the link above. Negotiate your way to the page on Jo Hyun-Jae (spelt "Cho Hyun Jae" here) -- there is a page introducing JHJ's CD (digital single). Leave your comments and you can take part in the lucky draw. Foreigners can join too.

Competition period: April 7 - 21, 2009
Announcement of winners: April 28, 2009
Prizes: MP3 -- one lucky winner
JHJ's CD -- 10 winners

Hurry up and try your luck!

(Sources: CAFEJapan, johyunjaetaiwan, also thanks Mandalaywith!)


  1. Hi,

    I tried for fun so I was excited after pressing the event. I was laughing at myself
    after signing in because as expected, I did not succeed and got lost already. Help!!!

    Well,I am hoping I can hear his voice in Korean. I heard his "You Lift Me Up Only " c/o MichaelBigCat You Tube. Thanks Michael!

    Please post the website where we can purchase his CD in the future. Thanks!

    By the way,my godduaghter/niece wedding will be on May 9. It is the same day of JHJ birthday.

    Ciao! Happy Easter and weekend to all!

  2. Try this link to enter JHJ CD page directly:
    Apparently you have to register to be a member of Soribada before you can leave messages (to enter the competition.) Follow these steps:
    1. Click on the link in our article. Click JOIN. Then click SUBSCRIBE in box for FOREIGNER.
    2. You'll see 3 pages of Korean words with a little box with a blue tick underneath. Click that to AFREE (for all 3 pages).
    3. Page 4 is filling in your personal information as follows:
    (1) ID (4-6 English letters or numbers)
    Click BOX to see if already taken
    (2) Password (4-12 English letters or numbers)
    (3) Confirm Password
    (4) Nickname (1-8 Korean words or 2-16 English letters or numbers)
    Click BOX to see if already taken
    (5) Your name (then click MALE[first one] or FEMALE on right)
    (6) E-mail address
    (7) Document (directly upload your country's ID or passport or driver's licence - no bigger than 500K)
    (8) Date of birth (year-month-day)
    (9) Your country
    (10)Telephone number
    All done? Click blue box on LEFT.
    Registration takes 1-2 days. When approved, you will be notified by e-mail. When you have become a registered member, then you can leave messages. Competition is keen; so far there are already over 100 messages left by JHJ fans.
    (Many thanks to Apple of JHJChina for above instructions!)

  3. Too hard for me. Better to buy the CD if it's available. Never have any luck with lucky draws.

  4. You good comment on the CD is a positive feedback.

  5. I tried my luck too but to no avail. I hope to be able to purchase a CD if it is available. Was this CD released in Japan only? Are the songs in Korean or Japanese?
    Just wondering if he sings any English songs?

  6. Marise, this CD was released in Japan but it can also be bought from the Korean fan clubs (if you have the right contacts.) The songs are in Korean. So far JHJ has not sung in English, but who knows?
