Thursday, 16 July 2009
We've moved!
We've tried to manage (by all possible means) for as long as we can, but it has become increasingly impossible.
So we've moved, but we're still unpacking (so to speak.)
Please visit us at our new site:
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
A happy ending for "Sunshine"?

The ending of "Sunshine" casts a shadow over a drama that is otherwise light and airy. Yeon Woo cannot marry Eun Sup because his father kills her father (even though it transpires he's not the real murderer.) She cannot reject Min Ho because she does not want to hurt him. Notice love doesn't enter the equation: she loves Eun Sup but not Min Ho (not the way a woman loves a man anyway.) So "Sunshine" has an open ending -- the drama deliberately avoids solving this problem of the eternal triangle. I have one solution, though: let Eun Sup pair up with Yeon Woo's kid sister who has said when she grows up, she'll marry him. She knows a good man when she sees one. She's quite precocious; she'll be a grown woman in no time.
Korean TV dramas are usually very conservative and demure where relationships between the sexes are concerned. But Korean movies can be pretty avant-garde in both theme (as in these two movies mentioned here) and execution -- there are quite a few steamy sex scenes in "My wife got married."
Saturday, 11 July 2009
No news is good news?

There has been a dearth of Jo Hyun-Jae news lately (not that he has ever been much in the news.)
There are rumours that he may be out on leave in July -- this is from a message left on CAFEKorea by a fellow soldier. We are a little skeptical because with the current critical situation in the Korean Peninsula, it is more than likely that the South Korean military will be on high alert. If North Korea fires a few more short-range missiles, we bet all leaves will be cancelled. Of course we wish JHJ will get some time off and maybe even leave his fans a message.
There is another message on the JHJ Official Fan Club website left by a Korean staff member that mentions the Korean drama "After family glory" that is currently winning the ratings war. He/she speculates that if JHJ has time, he could very well be watching this too, like everyone else. And then inexplicably "After family glory" has become JHJ's favourite, according to a popular Chinese JHJ website. This is the kind of "news" we are entertaining ourselves with.
The facts are -- JHJ is in the army. As a general rule, soldiers don't make news -- unless something bad happens (God forbid!) So we'll just quietly, patiently wait out these last 11+ months of JHJ's military service.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Where is JHJ?

Wanna play hide-and-seek with Jo Hyun-Jae?
Can you find JHJ in this sketch of a fairground? This is created by EVERKorea in 2007 and there are 4 JHJ in the midst of this merry crowd.
Can you find him and identify which drama/occasion it is?
A small prize awaits the winner (the first to correctly identify ALL 4.)
Have fun!
(Source: Credit: johyunjaeChina. Thanks!)
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Now you see us; now you don't
There may only be sporadic posts until we have sorted things out.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Cards for JHJ (3)
Maybe there's nothing very special about this card that we sent Jo Hyun-Jae a few days ago. It's just that I have a thing about ladybirds -- I just love them! The rounded red shell, the black dots, and the fact that they can actually fly! (Do you know that?) They are just too cute!
And when Jo Hyun-Jae was injured at the end of June, we sent him a "Get Well" card with a single flower that reads:
Healing thoughts are with you,
Caring wishes are near you,
Know that you are loved.
Monday, 6 July 2009
JHJ changed my life

JHJ changed my life? It sounds incredible to me for I am a person reluctant to change. I've been living in the same city since I was born. I worked for the same company since graduation from university. I married the first man I fell in love with. I don't make a change deliberately, I think. I accept opportunities of change. Thank God, so far everything has been going well for me. As they say, I'm lucky enough to live a contented life.
Then, how can someone I've never met face to face change my life? Did I change at all since I ran into this guy called Jo Hyun Jae on the screen?
It was absolutely by accident that I turned on the TV and tuned to the channel on whcih "Only You" was broadcasting. I seldom watch television. On that night, however, after putting my daughter to bed, I decided to turn on the TV for some news or movies. I didn't expect to watch a Korean drama at all. Till today, I am still puzzled what made me watch on. The only "rational" explanation I can come up with is "yuanfen" (fate or destiny.) It's my belief that some people are destined to meet while others are not. If it had not been for "yuanfen", what made me find him on TV?
Without question, "Only You" is a pleasant drama to watch. JHJ did very well playing a rich heir, arrogant in appearance but sincere at heart. Since then, I felt I was driven by something (curiosity?) to watch JHJ's dramas one after another. The more I watched, the deeper I sank into his world. I found myself surfing the internet for information on JHJ. I started to pay much attention to tensions in the Korean Peninsula because JHJ is in the army. I found myself writing to a stranger sharing my feelings, which I would have never tried if it hadn't been for JHJ. I also found myself registered at a fans' BBS. And unexpectedly, I learned many useful computer skills. For example, I was taught how to cut and splice photos on the computer to make fabulous photo exhibition. I used the technique to reorganize my family photos. My family all marveled at my works. Besides, I even started to learn Korean!
Nothing big here, I know. But I did change, didn't I? The change is by no means radical. It's subtle and in the mind. I'm more open and more tolerant. Now, I'm willing to exchange views with people with whom I share the same interests but have never met in person. It is not as awkward as I thought. I also start to re-consider my attitude toward my shy and quiet boy. Seeing JHJ's growing up, I realized that shyness may not be bad at all. I used to think that shyness will hinder my son's communication with people. However, I notice that JHJ's shyness actually reflects that he thinks more than others do, and his brevity of speech is because he always tries hard to be most sincere and accurate. Shy as he is, he can still be charming and successful. I'm more confident about my positive attitude toward this world too. Looking at JHJ's sparkling eyes and brilliant smile, I made up my mind that I'll try my best to find the beauty of this world, to make life more colorful, and to make people around me feel happier. I believe I can, as JHJ fulfilled his dreams with his firm will.
To me, JHJ cannot be a "real" person. I can't see him in person. I can't talk to him face to face. I can't touch him. What does he mean to me then? An idol? Or a good example? Neither, I think. I would rather regard him as an angel who is sent to me to light up my life (as someone said so before on this blog.)
I've said I accept opportunities of change. This time JHJ brings me the opportunity and I'll take it. Thank you, Jo Hyun Jae!
Sunday, 5 July 2009
"Love Letter" makes me fall in love with JHJ

"Love Letter" is about a HE who has been abandoned by his mother and a SHE whose parents are dead. Fate has brought them together. Similar age and similar experiences in life draw these two delicate souls and kindred spirits together. They are not lovers but they are closer than lovers. They are like brother and sister but they are not siblings. The rope of fate binds them tightly together. But they do not break down the last defence, so the unspoken love is buried deep in their hearts. Actually they know that they have been in love with one another for a long, long time.
Influenced by his unfortunate childhood experiences, he has determined to be a priest (who is as warm as the sun) from very young. That is why he cannot accept her. When she finds out his resolve to be a priest, she cannot love him anymore, however much she loves him. Even though they love each other, they can only hide their feelings in their hearts.
But love is innocent, even in the face of God. Finally their love find the light under the warmth of the sun. But who would have thought that DEATH has already silently arrived? Fate sometimes likes to play with poor human beings in this fashion.
The whole drama is filled with forlorn desolation and the characters are tragically beautiful. Jo Hyun-Jae's lead character is the focus and bright spot of the drama. I have not seen an actor with such clear eyes and such an air of nobility for a long time. Jo Hyun-Jae brings me a pleasant surprise. "Love Letter" makes me fall in love with him!
(Written by 崇雨尊 and originally published in Chinese on BAIDU Jo Hyun Jae Bar on 6/27/09.)
Saturday, 4 July 2009
"G.P.506" DVD released in Japan

The jacket, which portrays the three main characters, is very different from the Korean version. In the Korean DVD the cover is just a dull grey (no images) which perhaps reflect the sombre nature of the contents.
Those Japanese fans who bought the DVD online would have received their copies already. Now practically all of JHJ's works (dramas and movies) are available in Japan. His fans there can complete their collection.
(Credit: photos courtesy of Param of CarpediemJapan and story from Thanks!)
FOOTNOTE: "G.P.506" will be shown on the Korean movie channel OCN on July 5 and July 9 at 10 p.m.
(Source: Mandalaywith of carpediemKorea. Thanks!)
"Seo Dong Yo": Relationship
If you have already finished this drama, I'm sure you'll want to start on it again. If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for? This is Jo Hyun-Jae's masterpiece! You are not a full-fledged JHJ fan until you have seen this N times!
Friday, 3 July 2009
JHJ to be promoted

JHJ entered the South Korean army on August 5, 2008 as Private Second Class (after completing basic military training) and was promoted to Private First Class on February 1, 2009.
The Republic of Korean Army -- the sixth largest in the world -- is the largest of the military branches, with 655,000 in the active force and 3,040,000 regular reserve in 2008. South Korea has mandatory military service of 24 -27 months. The duration of service varies from branch to branch of the military. In general, with few exceptions, most of South Korean males serve in the military between the ages of 20 - 30.
JHJ still has almost another year of military service. He is scheduled to be discharged on June 19, 2010.
(Information on ROKA from Wikipedia)
Only JHJ can make "Only you"

"Only You" is the last Jo Hyun-Jae drama that I watched, and I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like his hair; I didn't like his looks; I didn't like his clothes; and I didn't particularly like his character. But I did like the happy ending -- it's one of the very few in which he gets the girl (and a son too.)
And then I found out on the web that most of JHJ's fans got to know him through "Only You." I was puzzled as to why so many women fell for him (or his character) in this drama. Could everybody be wrong? Or am I the only one who got it (or didn't get it)?
And then I watched "Only You" again, and again, and again...........
Why do so many people fall in love with the Jo Hyun-Jae character Han Yi Joon in "Only You"? These pictures should give you a clue.
Even with a hairstyle that doesn't suit him, he can still look incredibly handsome. Even when he's made to wear all those outrageous shirts, he still looks gorgeous. Who would wear a RED shirt (and no tie) at an important board meeting? I personally think the costume director should be impeached! SBS should have hired the one who was responsible for Jung Eun Sup's wardrobe in "Sunshine". The JHJ character there is a Korean who has spent several years in Paris and he looks totally European. The clothes help, of course, but our JHJ is the only Korean actor who can look continental European without ever having set foot there (not until "OnlyYou".)
Han Yi Joon at the beginning of "Only You" is dressed for the part of the university student when he goes to Vicenza to seek out his mother. But seven years later when he becomes the heir to his father's commercial empire, he wears all these colourful clothes that are out of character and do not suit his status at all. And yet this is when he makes a lot of conquests (of his fans.) I might add that Han Chae Young is worse, much worse, with her vests and halters, doubled and tripled, but at least she has the excuse of being poor.
JHJ should be commended for his performance in "Only You" because he transcends the physical limitations of his appearance (meaning his wardrobe.) Anybody else would have looked absolutely ridiculous in those scarlet, orange, turquoise, yellow, green, purple.......outfits AND those bell-bottom trousers! Out of this colourful mess emerges a man who is obstinate in his love, determined in his objective, brave in his actions, and tender in his unreasonableness. Cha Eun Jae cannot resist Han Yi Joon, and neither can countless JHJ fans who meet him first here.
As for me, I can now overlook the less-than-satisfactory wardrobe and appreciate the essence beneath the surface. But I still think only JHJ can take on such a role in such motley costumes and get away with it. Anybody else would end up looking like a clown.
(Credit for photos:; carpediemJapan by Param; Thanks!)
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Killing me softly with his song

I underwent an eye operation recently.........STOP! If you find this too morbid, just enjoy the assorted photos of Jo Hyun-Jae above and sign off.
I've never had an operation before, but I'm not the squeamish type, and in any case, this is just a minor operation. My first impression was: the OT didn't really look like what I saw on TV. My second impression was: my ophthalmologist looked different in a surgical cap and gown.
Next thing I knew, I was lying on the operation table. My face was covered with a thick cloth, so that even my good eye could not see anything. My bad eye was taped open, so the doctor could work on it.
An oxygen tube was stuffed into my nostrils, in case I suffocate, I suppose.
The doctor said: "I'm going to inject you now and it's going to hurt -- a little." It hurt more than a little, but once the local anaesthetics set in , I didn't feel a thing around my eye.
The doctor kept saying: "Relax! Relax!" but how could I when I could distinctly hear him saying: "Forceps." "Knife." and "Water cornea." (whatever that is) and I had the funny feeling I was the piece of meat on the butcher block.
How did I get through my half-hour operation? First I started praying. After I finished reciting a whole rosary, the doctor was still not done. So I began to think about Jo Hyun-Jae and quickly ran through all his dramas. And came to rest on Andrea.
Thinking about Andrea (or JHJ as Andrea) had a calming effect on me. I saw in my mind's eye his innocent face, his sweet smile, his grace under pressure -- and I felt better.
And then somehow I came to focus on the Crown Prince in "Great Ambition" (Dae Mang). That scene in which he was talking to the wall appeared over and over again in my mind. He looked so forlorn, so helpless, so solitary that it broke my heart. I sniffed a little and the doctor barked: "Don't move!"
Somehow dwelling on the Crown Prince's plight took my mind off my own situation. JHJ has the capacity to help me through physical ordeals. The last time was at the dentist, but that is another story.
JHJ's own life (especially his early life) has not exactly been a bed of roses, but there is not the slightest trace of ravage in his face. JHJ has a serenity about him that is quite extraordinary, considering how hard he had to struggle and how much he had to suffer as a teenager. The Chinese have a saying: "Your looks reflect your heart." JHJ's heart must be pure for him to look so serene. There is an outer-worldly quality about him, an aura of tranquillity, an above-the-fray demeanor, a "far from the madding crowd" attitude, a certain aloofness that could be mistaken for arrogance. The eyes are windows into the soul. His eyes are so clear and so luminous that you feel you can read his heart. He may be a good actor, but he cannot fool all of the people all of the time. So I'm convinced what you see is what you get.
I thought about JHJ all day, because after the anaesthetics wore off, the pain came. I did not want to take any painkillers. JHJ is my painkiller. My eye (that was operated on) was under an eye-patch and I could not wear my glasses, so I could not see anything clearly. I could only see JHJ in my mind's eye, so I spent the whole day (and the next) dreaming of him. At least I could listen to him on my MP3, so I let him kill me softly with his songs.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Because of you

Song "Eddy" by the late Danny Chan
Life is still -- like the silent waters of the lakeComes to life because of you
Becomes an eddy because of you
Filled with laughter because of you
Life is quiet-- like running water
Becomes myriads of beauty because of you
Becomes fountains of happiness because of you
And leaves marks of joy
Silence is like a song
That feels like poetry
Sweet is the longing in your eyes
Remembered even in my dreams
These days of unimaginable beauty
(Sung in Cantonese and lyrics translated into English.)
(Credit: kk of Thanks!)
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
CAFE's gifts to JHJ

CarpediemKorea (CAFE) has been sending Jo Hyun-Jae gifts every month ever since he entered the army on August 5, 2008. This is the 10th time and the emphasis this time is on snacks.
The quantity may be less this time, but the cost is actually higher. Snacks include French candies, Ferrero Rocha (chocolates), brownies, cookies, crackers, cheese sticks, nacho chips, Pringles (potato chips), beef jerky, and lollipops -- all beautifully packaged, complete with multi-coloured ribbons. We think these are meant for JHJ's campmates.
For JHJ there are the usual ginseng, telephone cards, SCREEN magazine, wet tissues, and something special for the summer -- bracelets and pads (made of natural ingredients) to keep off the mosquitoes which could be pestering JHJ when he patrols at night. These CAFE ladies really think of everything!
The weather is very hot in Seoul now and all these supplies will come in handy. And they come with so much love and tender loving care from JHJ's most devoted fans.
(Contents and photos courtesy of CAFEKorea and CAFEJapan. Thanks!)
Monday, 29 June 2009
Thai Fan Meeting transcript

In the Korea Fan Meeting DVD, the transition from the Korea Fan Meeting to the Thai Fan Meeting is very abrupt, with no introduction whatsoever. And the Thai Fan Meeting portion has no subtitles. Here is our translation of the transcript of the Thai Fan Meeting on July 4, 2008 (courtesy of CarpediemJapan. Japanese translation by Rei and design by ahiru. Thanks!)
Transcript of Thai Fan Meeting (July 4, 2008) segment:
JHJ (Jo Hyun Jae) MC (female Master of Ceremonies) IN (Interpreter)
JHJ is wearing a light grey suit with an open-necked white shirt.
MC: Hello! (in Thai)
JHJ: Hello! (in Thai)
IN: Can you introduce yourself?
JHJ: Hello! I'm Jo Hyun Jae. Very happy to see you all.
IN: Are you always so shy? You speak so softly.
JHJ: I'm having a little problem with my throat, so I can't speak too loudly.
IN: Is this the first time you're visiting Thailand?
JHJ: Yes, the first time. This visit is my first.
IN: You went touring, right? What did you do? How did it feel?
JHJ: I went to Pattaya -- to see the sea and watch sports performance. Ate a lot of good food and slept very well too.
JHJ waves.
From the audience (in Korean): How are you?
IN: How are you?
JHJ: (smiles)
IN: Are you very busy in your work?
JHJ: Yes, but it's all right.
IN: How many days are you staying in Thailand?
JHJ: Two days.
IN: I heard the fan meeting is tomorrow. Did you make any special preparation for this fan meeting?
JHJ: There will be lots of games, and also mention of the environment.(Fans cheer.)JHJ (smiling): I hope a lot of people will participate in the part on the environment. I want to leave a good memory.
MC: Interpreter, everything looks fine. (Gestures with hands to form a smile)
JHJ: Thank you.
IN: Smile
JHJ: Thank you.
IN: Can you say something for the fan meeting tomorrow?
JHJ: I hope to have a wonderful time with the fans at the fan meeting tomorrow. (Smiles shyly.) I hope there will be a lot of people. Thank you!
MC: Say a few parting words.
JHJ: I had a very meaningful time today. Many thanks to all those present.
MC: raipomuyakkon (Thai). Can you say this?
JHJ (smiling): raipomuyakkon.
(Fans cheer wildly.)
JHJ: OK, until tomorrow.....(Looks at IN uncertainly)
MC: Oh, sorry!
JHJ: Thank you! Thank you!
Next day. Different venue. Different MC (male) Same interpreter: IN
JHJ is wearing a white suit with a grey crew neck T-shirt.
IN: Before you came to Thailand, you went to Japan. Please tell us what it was like in Japan.
JHJ: In Japan I had a great reception. The fans were very enthusiastic.
IN: When the fans knew you were coming [to Bangkok], many of them went to the airport very early. What was your first impression when you arrived at the airport? Was the weather very hot?
JHJ: It was hot in Japan too. The temperature is more or less the same. I did not expect so many fans at the airport. It was a great surprise to me.
MC: This morning you planted a tree -- a "love tree". How was it this morning?
JHJ: Because it was morning, I felt very carefree and happy when I was planting the tree.
IN: Well, come again to plant another tree next time. The tree this morning is called "jasmine" (symbolising: blessing, passion, and kindness.) Happy?
JHJ: Yes.
IN: Have you ever had a fan meeting in an opera house?
JHJ: It's the first time I have a fan meeting in such a big opera house.
IN: Can you talk about your last drama? After you finished that, what did you do?
JHJ: My last drama is "3 Dads/1 Mom", a very cheerful TV series, with a unique storyline. After that was completed, I had a rest and went on a trip. And then I prepared for the fan meetings and the recording of the CD.
IN: That drama is finished, although it is not yet shown here.
IN: Are there any memorable times on the shooting of "3 Dads/1 Mom"?
JHJ: Well, the baby proved quite a handful, but even then it was still fun. The 3 actors played 3 distinct roles, and we had a lovely time on set. The baby slept a lot in the daytime and went to bed very early at night. When she cried, we had to wait for 3 hours before shooting could resume. Even though it was hard, we still had a very enjoyable time shooting this drama.
After the Thai Fan Meeting segment, there is the last video shot on the day JHJ entered the army on August 5, 2008:
"I'll never forget all the love you gave me. I will work very hard in the army. Thank you all so much! Please take care!"
The DVD ends with JHJ writing a few words for his fans:
"I shall remember this day forever. I love you."
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Breaking news -- JHJ was unwell (but is now OK)
Jo Hyun-Jae's army colleague Nick-onjonglove left this message on CarpediemKorea on June 26,2009:
Jo Hyun-Jae news -- not in good health
Hello, everybody! The cookies are delicious. I thank you all on behalf of my campmates.
We are all very well in the army. Thank you very much!
But Hyun-Jae is not well and is currently in the infirmary.
We will send our good wishes and we will go to see him often.
So please don't worry too much.
(Translated from the Chinese translation by
We originally published the above post on June 27. Now we have an update from EVERKorea on JHJ's condition:
Rumor has it that Hyunjae is sick and it makes fans anxious about his health.
He pulled a ligament in his foot [while] on patrol.
The best way to treat the pulled ligament is to take a rest, as you know.
So he has stayed for a few days at the medical corps.
Today [June 27], he returned to his unit.
It is not serious. Don't worry.
We are concerned about him at the slightest matter,
This news can make you feel anxious.
But Fans' letter may be better to encourage him than anxiety.
Please send him many letters.
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 6)
1. being outfitted for costumes
2. entertaining themselves
3. having their meals
4. being made up
5. wearing their wigs
The restrooms receive a special mention -- complaints: too few and too far. It's easier for the horses which just make everywhere their toilets and workers have to clean up after them.
Costumes are also discussed. The King's and Queen's costumes are of course the most elaborate.
Lastly, there is the shooting of the final scene -- of the Queen's death. The director feels the pagoda is out of place, so it is removed, and also a hut. Shooting must be finished before sunset, so the schedule is very tight. Princess Sunhwa has to die several times before the director is satisfied. He keeps telling her: "More emotions." and "No peeping." There is no time for dinner. Shooting continues in the film sets indoors. At 11 p.m. they still have not eaten; they have to wrap up the shooting.
They have been working together for 8 months and they have become like a family. When the work is finished here, they will all take up different projects. They will surely miss one another and even the routine. The director says he feels bad about making the actors stay up late almost every night for more than half a year.
In the TV studio again, in closing JHJ and Lee Bo Young thank the audience for their support of the drama. JHJ says he hopes "Seo Dong Yo" will remain in their hearts.
Jo Hyun-Jae looks remote and "far from the madding crowd" in this show. Sometimes he looks like he would rather not be there. He has just finished filming "Seo Dong Yo" -- 8 months of hard work, and probably several weeks of preparation before that. You know how he never does TV shows, except that one time for "Only You". Of course this time he has to promote the drama, since he is the title character. His part in the drama is greater than everybody else, but his role in this SDY Special is smaller than most. He hardly opens his mouth except when called on. You can see from his eyes that his mind is somewhere else. He is looking breathtakingly handsome, as always, and his jacket is fabulous, in fact, the whole outfit, but he looks out of sorts. Is it because he feels sad at leaving his "family"? All his best friends are his co-stars from previous dramas. Here he and Rye Jin (Giroo) and Lee Chang Hoon (Moraksu) have become inseparable, but once they go their separate ways, it is not so easy to maintain constant contact. That is the nature of the entertainment world. Sometimes we wonder how JHJ could survive in such a world, being what he is. His personality does not fit in at all, but then his talent and his passion for acting make up for everything.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 5)
Dying words of characters in drama:
1. Old King -- "My only successor is my 4th son, Crown Prince Mu. Tell the people. Sorry, Jang!"
2. Buyusun -- (hallucinating) "Sorry! Spare me!" (to ghosts of Old King and Crown Prince whom he murdered) and then, after being stabbed by his loyal aide-de-camp Heuk Chi Pyeong: "Thank you for putting an end to my suffering."
3. Heuk Chi Pyeong -- after killing his master, he turns the sword on himself: "Where your majesty is going, I'm going."
THIRD question posed to actors present: MC asks who has had a love like Seo Dong and Princess Sunhwa, a love that is "fated". There are 2 beeps (that is, two people press the button.) One of these, surprisingly, is the child actor who plays Bumro as a child who says he had a crush on a girl in Primary 6! When asked why they broke up, he says he likes tomboys but that girl is very gentle and tender and he feels "burdened".
Who is the other person who presses the button? Nobody would own up. Those who are married all say their marriage is "fated" -- meaning they and their spouses are destined for each other. MC teases them that they dare not say anything else because their wives are all watching the show.
The King (Seo Dong's father) says meeting is fate and parting should be natural. He offers a pledge of love: "Living together is a dream. Will love you as if we'll die tomorrow."
Female MC says Lee Chang Hoon seems to have a girlfriend and he says "Yes", but as to whether it is "fated", he says it has to wait till after they are married to be confirmed.
MC then re-phrases question and asks who is currently in a relationship that he/she feels is "fated". There is a single beep, but again not sure from whom. Lee Bo Young says she heard the beep, so it has to be somebody near her. MC calls JHJ's name and he says nothing. So MC presses him: "How about using this opportunity to declare yourself? Be brave and confess." At which JHJ says: "I didn't press the button." MC asks JHJ point-blank if he has a girlfriend and he says NO. MC follows up with: "When did you break up?" but receives no answer.
Then the video leaves the TV studio and a video of behind-the-scenes is shown of extras (who play soldiers) being outfitted for armour.
Friday, 26 June 2009
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 4)
Part 4 carries on where Part 3 left off. The actor who plays Seo Dong's father, the King, says he has been acting for 40 years when he plays father and son for the first time with Jo Hyun-Jae in "Only You" and now for the second time in "Seo Dong Yo". He feels like they are father and son, and even though he feels Seo Dong's pain and suffering, he never has the chance to take care of "his son". If they ever play father and son again, he promises he'll take good care of JHJ (at which our Hyun-Jae smiles very shyly and sweetly and nods in acknowledgement.)
MC says Lee Chang Hoon (who plays Moraksu) looks much older in the drama than in real life. Lee says he's a young man but in SDY he has to look older, so he feels older too. MC says the scene of Moraksu and Mo Jing embracing on the beach is like a grandfather and granddaughter embracing -- to great laughter.
Another actor says he plays a strong man in the drama, but he has his soft side too. He would like to play someone "to be protected" for a change.
(Watch the faces of the actors when these scenes are shown)
Love scenes between hero and heroine
Top 5 "goose flesh" scenes:
(That's what they call these scenes, but we call them romantic and moving and beautiful.)
5. Scene of Seo Dong resting on Princess Sunhwa's lap
4. Scene of Princess kissing snowman, then feeding Seo Dong (supposed to be rice but it's congee, since Princess can't cook.)
3. After a long separation, Seo Dong says princess is too thin and she puffs out her cheeks playfully and they embrace. Followed by scene of wedding night: he touching her cheeks and she touching his cheeks.
2. Scene of Princess bathing in the creek [very high rating in viewership for this episode]
1. Princess repeats after Seo Dong his pledge of love, followed by kiss; then he carries her on his back.
One-sided love, unrequited love, eternal triangle:
1. Princess Sunhwa, Seo Dong, and Princess Woo Young
2. Seo Dong, Princess Sunhwa, Giroo
3. Yun Gamo, Moraksu, Mo Jin
4. Moraksu, Mo Jin, Bumro's father
Dying words of the characters in the drama:
1. The old King (Seo Dong's father)
Thursday, 25 June 2009
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 3)
Then there are other NG scenes involving minor characters. The abduction scene of Princess Sunhwa and her maid is bungled when the maid could not be put into the bag (the other bad guys have already carried off the princess.)
In the scene of the stabbing of the Crown Prince in the cave, the assassin cannot find the dagger. And when he is supposed to escape, he takes his time running out of the cave (complaining the tunnel is too long.)
Even minor characters don't know how to die from being shot. The director himself has to demonstrate.
After all these NG scenes, the actors are asked if anyone has been hurt during filming. Heo Young Ran (who plays Princess Woo Young) says she received 8 stitches from a wound incurred from being dragged by her on-screen brother Buyusun (actor Kim Young Ho) after he discovers her betrayal. The actor says he feels very bad, especially since it happens to a girl and a younger actress. He is so remorseful he takes up smoking again (but has since quit.) The actor who plays his aide-de-camp Heuk Chi Pyeong (Lee Hee Do) says after that scene with Princess Woo Young, Buyusun is going to turn on him. Before the shooting they have come to an understanding and Buyusun is only going to playact. But once shooting commences, Buyusun kicks him in the chin real hard. Good thing he manages to get out of range in time. Princess Woo Young says Buyusun does not realize his own strength. Once he bangs on a table and breaks it in two.
SECOND question -- Who thinks his/her part should be expanded or amended? 7 people press their buttons. Lee Bo Young says she is not very happy with her character in the later part of the drama. Princess Sunhwa is at first very vivacious but becomes a rather pitiable figure towards the end. She wants to play her in a more spirited way.
Another actress who plays a minor member of Taehaksa says she'd rather play an empress.
Then the actor who plays Bumro says he's the only one who can play Bumro, but he really wants to play Giroo, especially the death scene. He re-enacts that death scene as Giroo on the spot.
The actor who plays the King (Seo Dong's father) says he and Jo Hyun Jae twice play father and son, here in SDY and before that in "Only You". He feels like they are father and son, but in SDY he is not able to take care of his on-screen son. If they ever have the chance to play father and son again, he promises to take good care of his "son".
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 2)
NG scenes continue. Giroo (Rye Jin) is still trying to carry the unconscious Princess Sunhwa (Lee Bo Young) but keeps falling over. Never realized he's that weak. In the end, he has to carry her on his shoulder. Lee Bo Young keeps hitting him and muttering: "Am I that heavy?" JHJ as Seo Dong, who is supposed to have passed out too, can't help rolling with laughter on the ground.
And then it's NG time for Lee Chang Hoon (who plays Moraksu) who is the butt of the jokes. He has difficulties moaning and declaring his love, and he has such problems reciting his formal speech at the swearing in ceremony. He receives several NGs.
Then it is Bumro and his father's turn, the latter hitting the former -- hard! The father himself (actor Im Hyun Sik) gets several NGs on his own -- when he's "singing" (more like gasping) and kissing Mo Jin and losing his balance (but this time it is Moraksu who can't resist laughing.)
Then other NG scenes are shown -- the funniest are those of the battlefield and the horses that have a mind of their own (in one scene the horse walks backwards! It just won't follow the script!)
The scariest is that of Seo Dong and Princess Sunhwa falling off a horse. You can hear Lee Bo Young screaming from a mile!
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
"Seo Dong Yo" Special (Part 1)
The video is in Korean, so if you don't understand Korean, just watch it like a silent movie (with some tips we'll give you here.) But you should have no problems reading the body language and watching the action.
You may, however, have difficulty associating the actors in contemporary clothes with their characters in period costume. We suggest you hit PAUSE at the beginning of the video and identify the characters first. To start you off, first row, left to right: Moraksu (Lee Chang Hoon), Princess Sunhwa (Lee Bo Young), Seo Dong/King Mu (Jo Hyun Jae), Princess Woo Young (Heo Young Ran), Buyusun (Kim Young Ho).
The two MCs begin by asking those present how they feel about the end of the drama. Lee Bo Young (who plays Princess Sunhwa) says she still doesn't feel it's over and it will take her some time to adjust. Lee Chang Hoon (who plays Moraksu) says he's the elder statesman on set, and he has to arrive early every day to set a good example to the others. He won't miss that role.
Then they play a game. Each actor has a button that he/she can press in answer to a question. The FIRST question is: Shooting a historical drama is hard work. How many of you never want to do it again? Answer: 12 (out of 24.)
Jo Hyun Jae says the most difficult part is the script always arrives very late, usually in the morning of the shooting. There are usually one to two books to memorise, so that's why they get so many NGs (no good -- re-take.)
Lee Bo Young says sometimes she has to sleep in her makeup, as there is no time to remove it and put it on again when shooting resumes in the morning.
The actress who plays her maid is worried about her wig, and another actress finds it hard to play dying, since she "has never died before" (in her own words, which elicits a lot of laughter.)
Who gets the most NGs? The actor who plays the Crown Prince. He says the dialogue just before he dies is so long and the intonation so difficult that NGs are unavoidable.
JHJ's part is the heaviest, so he gets a lot of NGs too. Asked how he recites the script, he says paragraph by paragraph, because often the speeches are too long. Sometimes he also has to resort to using cue cards.
NG scenes of the child actors are shown, with a graphic scene of the child Seo Dong being beaten by Moraksu for misbehaviour that would today be construed as child abuse.
NG scenes of the male actors are shown, and Rye Jin (who plays Giroo) tops the list. The funniest NG scene is that of Giroo trying to carry Princess Sunhwa (twice without success, with Lee Bo Young muttering under her breath: "Am I that heavy?") In the end, Giroo has to carry the Princess on his shoulder. Notice JHJ rolling with laughter on the ground -- his Seo Dong is supposed to have passed out.
Monday, 22 June 2009
JHJ's early career (2)
Sunday, 21 June 2009
JHJ's early career (1)
1998 First appeared on CATV as a member of 'Guardian'
2000 Drinks commercial
2000 Chewing gum commercial
2000 SBS "KAIST": Episodes 75-77 as Dong (2000.8.13 - 8.27)
2001 SBS Weekend drama "Father and Sons" as Zondu (2001.7.21 - 10.28)
2001 SBS "That's Good": Episodes 1-66 as Ihyonje(2001.11.19 - 2002.3.15)
Let us review Jo Hyun Jae's first baby steps into the Korean entertainment world.
1998: JHJ first emerged on the Korean entertainment scene as a member of the boy band Guardian and appeared three times on CATV. Due to problems with the production company, the group disbanded soon after they released their first album. (Please see our 6/16/09 post "JHJ in Guardian".)
2000: JHJ was discovered by talent scouts while practising in a boxing arena. He first appeared in a drinks commercial and then in a chewing gum commercial. After that commercial aired, his looks and deportment became the talk of the town. This resulted in his landing the role in Episode 75 of "KAIST". (Please see our 6/17/09 post "JHJ's early works (1)".)
Unfortunately the reviews were unfavourable, so JHJ was relegated to a supporting role and disappeared altogether after two episodes. He was not adequately prepared, acting for the first time and with no experience, and the script was receieved only a few days before shooting.
JHJ admitted his own inadequacy but refused to give up. In the following year, he practised acting and tried to learn from other actors. He passed the qualifying exam and enrolled in the Drama Department of Myonji University the following year and became a pupil of Professor Jan Mihie.
Summer of 2001: JHJ played the youngest son Zondu in "Father and Sons". For the first time he was mentioned as a newcomer under the name LEE Hyun Jae. After this drama aired, he gained his first fans and his first fan website was established in Korea. (
2001: JHJ played the part of Ihyonje in "That's Good", the drama that was considered the stepping stone for young actors. It was a considerable role, played for laughs. JHJ felt uncomfortable, like wearing someone else's clothes. He decided to seriously learn acting skills. He was in the first 66 episodes of "That's Good" (out of 74.)
2002: Then JHJ appeared for a few seconds in an unimportant role as an art teacher in the SBS Mid-Autumn special "Golden Pond."
This was followed by a blank period of eight months.
(Translated and adapted from CarpediemJapan)
Saturday, 20 June 2009
It takes all sorts to make JHJ's world (3)

"E" is the very first JHJ fan that I came into contact with, but I've never met her. In early 2008 I saw her design of the 2008 calendar in a Chinese JHJ website. The photo that she chose for the cover (JHJ's Crencia photo) took my breath away. (See our 6/10/09 post "JHJ"s Crencia days" -- first photo on left (black-and-white.) I e-mailed her and asked to buy the calendar. This is the first time I wrote to a stranger. She wrote back and attached a file (of the calendar) -- free. I could not open the file and had to ask 4 different people on 3 continents before I could download it to a USB so I could make prints.
This is the start of a friendship that is as real as any in the flesh. Even though we are apart geographically, mentally and emotionally we are one -- in our shared love of JHJ (who has the capacity to draw people together.) "E" is a woman of character -- sensible and sensitive, warm-hearted and generous, creative and perceptive, a very talented artist with an eye for beauty (and young and beautiful too!) She also writes beautifully. She can see the essence of JHJ that even some enthusiastic fans miss, and she can express herself poetically but without any BS (Pardon my French!)
"E" has given me the most wonderful JHJ memento. On a boring day late last year, the doorbell rang and a courier delivered a package. I wasn't expecting anything, so I opened the tightly packaged box with no expectations -- and then I screamed in delight! I was staring at two big framed photos of JHJ and ME! Honest to God, yes, JHJ and me! If you've read my accounts of the Japan Fan Meetings in Osaka and Tokyo in June 2008, you'll know I had the good fortune to sit next to JHJ in BOTH group photos. (See our 2/28/09 and 3/3/09 posts "Diary of a star-chaser, Parts 2 and 3.") I had e-mailed the photos to "E" and she had cut out all the other fans and blown up JHJ and me, sitting side by side. These two photos are now among my most treasured possessions, so precious that I don't even display them. I take them out every now and then and pore over them, reliving those few heavenly moments of close proximity to JHJ.
When I started this blog, I asked "E" to design the header. The result is what you see here. She also designed our "wulijohyunjae" name cards -- another artistic creation. A pity we don't have many occasions to distribute them (since we don't socialize.) Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful to "E" for what she has done for us.
"F" is an enigma -- she is many identities on many JHJ websites. How do I know they are the same person? Because of her "footprint". She is obviously a very loyal JHJ fan. She takes the time and trouble to leave comments on several websites. She writes quite sensibly, most of the time. She talks very slowly and deliberately, and she has very definite ideas about everything JHJ. For example, she wonders if JHJ will get time off for good behaviour. I am a polite person, but at that I retort brusquely that JHJ is in the army, NOT in prison, and in the armed forces you serve your full term, unless you're dishonourably discharged. She looks shocked, and then she comes up with something equally inane. "JHJ should learn Chinese in his spare time in the army." I'm just beginning to feel a little sorry for being rude, but at that I blow up again: "If I were JHJ, the first foreign language I'd learn would be Japanese!" Anybody with any sense knows JHJ's most loyal and devoted fans (outside of Korea) are the Japanese. They buy everything JHJ -- all legal versions. Have you any idea how much "Seo Dong Yo" cost in Japan? Over US$800 for the full set! How many fans in other countries can afford to buy that? And of those who can afford, how many will actually buy the real thing?
I chide myself afterwards for being too harsh on "F". Anyone who loves JHJ deserves my respect and tolerance. In her unique way, "F" is actually a great admirer of JHJ. She really exhibits a lot of love for the actor by the way she leaves her footprints all over the place. Maybe she is the greatest JHJ fan of us all, in any case, the most unlikely.
"G" is my favourite Japanese JHJ fan. I first met her a year ago at the Japan Fan Meeting, actually at Osaka's Kansai Airport where she came to meet me and "A". I felt she was really going out of her way to be nice to us, strangers she's never met before, just because we're JHJ fans. For the next four days she acted as our translator, for which I was most grateful. We kept in touch and we have become friends. She too has her own website dedicated to JHJ and she works tirelessly to keep it going. She uploads lots of photos and videos (her own creations) to her site. She and her good friend "H" make a great team, rather like M and me. "H" doesn't speak much English (out of shyness, I guess), but she understands everything we say. "G" is more vivacious and outgoing, and "H" is more reserved and subdued. They are both bright and brainy (like so many JHJ fans), but "H" can come up with some brilliant ideas. "G" was teaching Japanese to foreigners last June and she had to find the perfect excuse to go to the fan meetings. "H" suggested she should say she had to attend a wedding as the "go-between". In Japanese society, as in many Asian societies, the person who introduces the bride and groom is much revered and is accorded a place of honour at the wedding. When I heard this, I roared with laughter. Only ingenious JHJ fans could dream up such an excuse for an important cause -- attending the fan meetings. "G" and "H" are also "fun" people -- we had a very enjoyable time together at the JHJ photo exhibition in Osaka in February. (See our first posts in February "We spent Valentine's Day with JHJ".) "G" and "H" are embodiments of modern Japanese women -- well-educated, well-travelled, cosmopolitan, intelligent, knowledgeable, efficient, sociable, but still retaining the traditional qualities of being ever so polite, gracious, elegant, and considerate. It is really a pleasure to know them.
I think it is wonderful that people of different nationalities can come together because of a common interest. JHJ is the most effective "ice-breaker" -- once we start gabbling about him, all inhibitions disappear, all divisions break down, all differences melt away. Don't you think our JHJ will make a great goodwill ambassador?
As my title says, it takes all sorts to make JHJ's world. Somehow he attracts all kinds of fans -- from the not-so-young to the not-so-old, from the smartest to the dumbest, from the sophisticated to the naive, from the intellectual to the mentally-challenged, from the witty to the humourless, from the selfless to the self-centred, from the extrovert to the introvert, from the visionary to the dreamer, from the sublime to the ridiculous (which just about sums it up.) He has this universal appeal and he inspires deep-seated affection and undying devotion in one and all.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Another year to go

Gone for a while and I'll be back
Just thinking of parting from my family and friends, as well as my fans, makes me feel lingering reluctance and regret.
Hope you'll all keep well and take care!
Random thoughts
On the flight from the West to the East recently, I saw a Korean movie "The Naked Kitchen". It's very contemporary, very avant-garde, about a bold topic I've not seen explored in Asian cinema -- a woman caught between two men, well, nothing unusual there, but this young woman wants BOTH men. One is her husband of a year and the other a stranger who turns out to be her husband's partner in a new business venture. On their first anniversary, she meets this stranger in an art venue and sort of "makes out" with him. (They kiss and I'm not sure what happens afterwards, but the film synopsis says they make love!) I've not seen the actress before (Sin Min-Ah), but she's very pretty and cute in an impish sort of way, great legs too. But what I really want to write about are the two actors who play the husband (Kim Tae-Woo) and the lover (Joo Ji-Hoon*). I thought I didn't know them, even though the lover looks familiar, but as it turns out, he's the one who plays the Crown Prince in "Princess Hours". He looks much better in this movie than in the drama. These two actors are not my type at all, even though they are both tall and lean. But I could see a lot of fans being attracted to them, and other Korean actors like them. My point is -- Jo Hyun-Jae has competition! Every day so many new faces appear on the Korean entertainment scene -- all gorgeous hunks! Fans are fickle. JHJ has been in the army for almost a year. If after his discharge in June 2010, he does not make a great drama, he could easily be forgotten. So please, Mr. Manager, you need to get a good script and a good role for your superstar. *** JHJ's comeback must make a big splash! We are all waiting with bated breath.
(* Joo Ji-Hoon is currently being prosecuted for drug posssession, so his career may be over.)
The world is under the grip of the H1N1 virus right now, but the response to this flu pandemic is radically different in the west and in the east. On my way to Los Angeles last month, I stopped over in Hong Kong for a few days. Every newspaper headline screamed: "Swine flu". (That's before pigs were vindicated.) All TV news were dominated by the dreary topic. When I got to the U.S.A., supposed to be one of the worst hit countries, there was hardly any mention of H1N1 at all. So I enjoyed three weeks of peace and quiet. But once I was back in Hong Kong, it's H1N1 all over again, every moment of every day. I see so many people wearing face masks. Why go out at all if you're so scared? Do these people know every year tens of thousands of people all over the world die from the flu -- the old kinds? It's just that this one is new. And it's highly curable, if caught early. If you want to be safe, stay home and watch JHJ dramas.
North Korea
The U.N. has imposed tough new sanctions on North Korea to curb its nuclear ambitions, and N. Korea has declared that any aggressive act like "stop and search" of its ships would be construed as an act of war. This is really worrying. Even if Jo Hyun-Jae is not serving in the S. Korean military, it would still be worrying. Technically speaking, N. and S. Korea are still in a state of war. They only signed an armistice, a temporary truce, on 7/27/1953. (N. Korea has since unilaterally withdrawn from this armistice on 5/27/09.) I'm not really worried that war will break out. (Heaven forbid!) Kim Jong Il is playing a dangerous game, but all this sabre rattling is just to get President Obama's attention. But I'm afraid Kim could accidentally go over the edge. After all, I live pretty close to Pyongyang. I pray for peace every night. I pray to God to keep JHJ safe. God bless us all! (This is Elena's line!)
*** Let's take a poll here on what kind of drama/film you would like to see JHJ in when he resumes his acting career after June 19, 2010:
1. Romantic drama (like "Only you")
2. Romantic comedy (like "3 Dads/1 Mom")
3. Action/romance/mystery (like "Forbidden Love")
4. Historical drama (like "Seo Dong Yo")
5. Thriller (like "G.P.506")
6. Tragedy
7. Any other suggestions?
Thursday, 18 June 2009
JHJ's early works (2)

This "Father and Sons" MV is created by and edited by kk who set it to the Cantonese song "Every step of the way" by the Hong Kong singer Lui Fong. We have translated the lyrics which seem to mirror Jo Hyun-Jae's early life.
Every step of the way
Forget about yesterday's loss and troubles
Go right on, every step of the way
Forget not the lessons of failure
Never give up, keep on dreaming
Today I'm racing time and speeding up
Cheers by my side lead the way
Dashing in the wind, under the over-arching sky
How high is the sky! I can touch it with both hands
If I fall, I'll rise up and challenge it again
How fierce is the wind! I'd rather be the grass
That grows faraway, every step of the way
How deep is the sea, but it cannot submerge this lonely isle
Mountain beyond mountain, all built with two hands
How many more days in this life, but I'd rather get up early
And finish every step of the way in my life.
(Thank you, Carpediem and kk!)
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
JHJ's early works (1)

In his first ever appearance in KAIST (1999), in the story "145 km. Love" Jo Hyun-Jae plays a university student who is carrying on a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend who lives 145 km. away. The setting for KAIST* is a university in Dae Jeon. His girlfriend is in Seoul, and for love he has to commute between Dae Jeon and Seoul on a motorcycle. JHJ plays this role of the young man who is caught between his studies and love with such charm that he impresses and attracts the general audience and wins his first fans. The rest, as they say, is history.
The video (18:32 minutes, in two parts) is in Korean and there are no subtitles. But we manage to get the drift of the story, as we're sure you can too, smart JHJ fans that we are! JHJ's acting skills may be a little green, but just watching him makes your heart ache. His features are so fine and his expressions are so sincere and innocent. And the 19-year-old JHJ on a motorcycle cuts such a dashing figure! Only complaint -- the actress who plays his love interest is so much older and is no match for him in looks (problem with casting.) There is another girl, though, his fellow university student, younger, prettier -- if this were a full-length drama, we know exactly how the plot will develop. Anyway, enjoy the video!
Editor's note: KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is a research university located in Daedeok Science Town, Daejeon, in South Korea. KAIST was established in 1971 as the nation's leading science and technology institution and is considered the MIT of South Korea.
(Credit for video:
Meditations in still time
So what have I been doing all this time? I read an English newspaper and two Chinese newspapers, the latest issues of TIME and NEWSWEEK (cover to cover), and FORTUNE and FORBES. I had my lunch. I wrote an article for our blog. And now I'm brainstorming.
What am I going to do when I return to my base and I can't access our blog? I've already lingered in the U.S.A. and Hong Kong for as long as I could. My husband might divorce me for desertion if I still don't return.
I've been praying for the last month, ever since google.blogspot was first blocked on May 15. I've been hoping that after June 4, the ban would be lifted. But June 4 has come and gone, and the ban is still in force. They say maybe after October 1. God! That's the end of our blog!
I've been working very hard for the past couple of weeks, saving enough drafts to last till my blog partner M returns from Alaska in early July. Good thing we can keep in touch by e-mail and, hopefully, SKYPE.
Why are we doing this? Why are we stressed out when M is on vacation and I'm supposed to have retired. Why do we have self-imposed deadlines and writer's block? Why am I writing this when most of my fellow passengers are sleeping?
A flight attendant just asks me if I'm a writer. Silly girl! A professional writer would be using a laptop and not be scribbling longhand. My answer? "Eh, freelance, sort of." Ha! Ha!
Yes, why are we keeping our blog going in the face of such difficulties? Not for fame or fortune. Maybe you can become famous hanging on the coattails of a star, but just as JHJ is so low-key, we prefer to remain anonymous. There are expenses but no income.
We hope we are providing a service to JHJ fans. We hope we are one step ahead of them with his news. We hope when they miss him, they can come to our blog and commune with like-minded people. We hope to keep his fans for him, or maybe even gain some new fans. Out of sight, out of mind. We want to keep him in sight of everybody.
And we love JHJ. He deserves our support. He's an "endangered species" in the entertainment industry. You don't find actors like him anymore -- professional, talented, conscientious, dedicated, hardworking, unassuming, modest, not to mention incredibly handsome (but not self-consciously so.) You don't find people like him anymore -- filial son, good brother, loyal friend, and great role model for the young. Someone like JHJ who gives us so much joy and inspiration is worthy of our respect and affection.
He's worth it.
P.S. The caucasian man sitting next to me has just disembarked. (I didn't know you could do that.) He's taking tomorrow's flight, since he's already missed his meeting. More people are getting off. I've called my husband six times -- every time the captain makes an announcement -- another delay. The burly man sitting in front of me is giving a pretty, young flight attendant a hard time. If he doesn't stop within ten seconds, I'm going to kick his a__ (the back of his seat, I mean.)
Our aircraft is being towed. Finally we'll be taking off! -- almost six hours after we first embarked and twice the flight time.
P.P.S. I left for the airport at 8:30 a.m. this morning. I arrived at my destination at 8:30 p.m. -- on a 3-hour flight. This is called 21st century travel. Marco Polo could have done better.
And we're not allowed to disembark till 9 p.m. because health officials came on board and checked everyone's temperature (thanks to H1N1.) If you display any flu symptons, you'll be quarrantined.
P.P.P.S. If M can post this, that means White Horse, Yukon has wifi. Thank God!