I'll continue with my rundown of JHJ fans. I'm sure all those I've met are quaking in their high heels, fearing it will be their turn next. It will take me some time to run through the alphabets.
"C" is a take-charge, hands-on person. She too has her own website. All these "Masters" like to be masters, or rather, mistresses (but it doesn't sound the same.) I have a mind of my own, and I do not like to be ordered around. But in the JHJ world, your credentials, your education, your experience do not count. The only thing that matters is your length of "fanship" (I think I just coined a word.) Compared to "C", I'm a kindergartner. She has very definite ideas about how the presents should be wrapped. She'd brought all the wrapping paper, ribbons, labels, cards, etc. These are for JHJ; those are for the fan clubs. She is a perfectionist in her own way (and so am I.) We spent all night wrapping presents before the fan meeting. I thought to myself: "What the heck am I doing?" "C" is a strong personality and the others defer to her, so what can I do? She's not really a bad sort; she is genuinely devoted to JHJ. She would always stand in the front; she likes to be the centre of attention. I hide at the back (even then I once saw myself on YOUTUBE in a JHJ video and I almost fainted!) So there is no conflict between Big Sister "C" and me. The only thing I don't like about "C" is: she keeps sending JHJ chocolates. If he becomes "fat", you know who is to blame!
"D" is somebody I met last year in Korea, another "Master". She gave me her business card and I wrote to her several months later because I needed her help. I wasn't sure if she would respond but she did. Since then I've met her a couple of times in Seoul. Like all JHJ fans I've had the privilege of knowing, "D" is super-efficient and very helpful. The only problem is: we have difficulty in communicating in spoken English (her written English is fine.) Sometimes I cannot understand her and she cannot understand me (even though I speak in simple phrases.) For example, when I use the word "army", as in "JHJ is now in the army", she has no clue what I'm talking about. I discover that she uses the word "military", so "JHJ is now in the military" works. But guess what? We manage to have a very pleasant two-hour lunch and we finally find a way to communicate -- in written Chinese! Her Chinese is surprisingly good, so we scribble back and forth, and she gives me some inside information about JHJ.
Korean fans are very respectful and thoughtful; they would never do anything to embarrass or inconvenience their idol. I ask her something about JHJ and "D" says JHJ never mentions this and they would never dream of intruding on his privacy. In my latest meeting with "D", she reveals some things about Korean fans that really surprise me. Korean fans are very shy, so shy that they do not even let their families know they like JHJ. They have to hide their JHJ souvenirs and only admire them in secret in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Only unmarried fans can take part in events like celebration of JHJ's birthday because the others have to be with their families. (This year May 9 falls on a Saturday.) I think it's a good thing they have their priorities right. Family should of course come first. JHJ's family is the most important thing to him; he has reiterated this several times in the course of interviews.
I have always been most impressed by the way the Korean fans treat their star -- with great respect and infinite consideration. JHJ once says that his fans are as shy and low-key as he is, so much so that when they visit him on set, he has no idea they are his fans until someone tells him. They just stand quietly at the back; they do not ask for autographs or to pose for photographs with him. They seem content simply to be in his presence. And of course they send him presents for his birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and every festival and occasion under the sun. Now that he is in the army, they take extra care of him by sending things like skin-care products, toiletries (all brand names), phone cards (so he can call his family and friends), the latest magazines, a basketball (because JHJ says in a message he plays basketball with his camp-mates on weekends), even insect repellent! (among a host of other things.) They really think of everything. I do not need to mention all the snacks and other goodies that are always included for JHJ's camp-mates. I understand that when a Korean man enters the army, it is a custom for his family to send food and other presents to his fellow soldiers on special occasions. Since JHJ is a star, it is expected that his camp-mates will benefit from the largesse of his fans. A Chinese fan once said to me she could not understand why the Korean fans are doing this; she thinks this is not the function or duty of fans. This is a cultural difference between Chinese and Korean fans, I guess. For my part, I feel very moved whenever I see what the Korean fans have done for JHJ. And I am sure JHJ would be moved too.
These super JHJ fans all sound like interesting characters. The world of JHJ is really diverse.
ReplyDeleteYou have certainly met a lot of loyal JHJ fans. Everybody is united in our love of him.
ReplyDeleteI am also moved by what the Korean fans do for JHJ. They take care of everything.