In the west this is called recycling. To Cantonese speakers, it is "frying cold rice". What is it called in other languages or dialects?
The following is the first of three articles that Maria wrote after the Japan Fan Meetings last year (originally published in JoHyunJaeChina.) This is in response to the first comment left on this blog by MDH who wondered if we ever met JHJ.
(an eye-witness account of Jo Hyun-Jae's Fan Meetings in Osaka and Tokyo in June 2008)
I cannot remember who said once you have seen Jo Hyun-Jae, you're dead! Well, I've seen him not ONCE, but TWICE! No, THRICE! -- at Kansai International Airpot, and at the fan meetings in Osaka on 2008.6.22 and Tokyo on 2008.6.23. And now I have become a diehard JHJ fan for life!
2008.6.21 (Saturday) Osaka
My first glimpse of Hyun-Jae was at Osaka's Kansai Airport on 2008.6.21 at 2:30 p.m. when he walked into the Arrivals Hall (South Gate), having arrived on JL962 from Seoul a little earlier. I had been standing there for over two hours, along with over 200 Japanese fans (all women), some of whom had been waiting since 10 a.m.!
I was craning my neck, peering at every passenger who emerged, and fidgeting with my camera. Suddenly there was a flash of light, like rays of sunshine! A tall figure in a white ski cap, sunglasses, short-sleeved white shirt, black trousers, and white surfsider shoes (no socks) appeared. Before I could react, he was striding towards his waiting fans, smiling and bowing.
I was standing on the other side of the exit, pretending to meet other passengers, otherwise I would have to stand at the end of the long line of 200+ Japanese fans. I rushed after him, snapping like mad. He stopped a couple of times to accept flowers from his fans, smiling and bowing all the time (so polite!) By the time I reached the end of the line, Hyun-Jae (and his entourage) was entering the elevator. Good thing it was a glass elevator because I could still see Hyun-Jae waving at us as the elevator was going up.
When everything was over (like a dream), I checked my camera and discovered that I did not manage to take a single decent shot of Hyun-Jae (except the one of him in the elevator.) Every photo showed somebody's hand or the back of a head or the air or (best) half of Hyun-Jae (the right side of his body.) (Sigh!) My hands were shaking too much; my legs were trembling; my eyes could not focus; in short, I was not functioning like a normal human being in the presence of our Prince Charming (about 8 feet away at the shortest distance.)
You know, my biggest discovery from this close encounter is -- Hyun-Jae is NOT really photogenic! By that I mean he looks so much more handsome in person than in photos or on the TV screen. I would not have thought this is possible if I had not seen him with my own eyes! How could someone who is already perfect in every respect be MORE PERFECT in the flesh!
He was just wearing the most basic clothes -- white shirt and black trousers (the shirt worn outside of the trousers), and yet somehow he made them look like the most glamourous garments in the word. There was an aura about him -- he seemed to be radiating light! I was so blinded my mind went blank. My heart was beating so violently that at one point I thought I was going to have a heart attack!
After he was gone, his Japanese fans were comparing and sharing videos and photos. I joined them; we didn't know one another but we chatted like old friends. Actually they could not speak English and I could not speak Japanese, but we spoke a common language. We were all going ooh.....aah.....wow..... Hyun-Jae!!!!! Ajumas were behaving like silly little girls, and it was a lot of fun! Everybody was looking forward to the fan meeting the day after.
嘩! 我的天呀!!!
Your eyes will widen, your mouth feels parched, your heart aches, your whole body quivers, you feel jittery, in short, you have the JHJ flu, the most infectious kind. Some fans say they dare not gaze into his eyes, but when I shook his hand, I looked him straight in the eye (and he made eye-contact too.) Afterwards I almost passed out (nearly electrocuted)!
ReplyDeleteThanks share to your review.i will translate to korean,after introduce in our fan club Carpediem.Thanks you.^^
ReplyDeletei just stumbled on this site a week ago and am still in the process of reading the old posts. thank you for sharing with us your experience during JHJ's fan meeting in Japan. the piece was very well written, i felt as if i was in the fan meeting myself. i envy you getting the chance to see our idol up close and personal.